Great Western and Wiltshire Join SPHERE!

16th February 2014

SPHERE would like to welcome Great Western Air Ambulance and Wiltshire Air Ambulance, with Dr Ed Valentine as their representative, as the newest members of the UK’s dedicated pre-hospital event-reporting system.

For the latest news and information from SPHERE, follow us on Twitter: @SPHEREreporting 

Server Upgrade: Update 16th February 2014

The recent issues have been caused by older versions of Internet Explorer not meeting the security requirements to access the server. If you are having difficulty in displaying the forms correctly, please ensure that you are using the latest version of Internet Explorer, or an alternative browser (Safari / Chrome).

For the latest news and information from SPHERE, follow us on Twitter: @SPHEREreporting 

Website Upgrade – 4th November 2013

The SPHERE Server is currently being upgraded.

Full site functionality should be maintained during this period, however there have recently been problems related to a previous server upgrade.

Please contact one of the SPHERE team if you experience a problem during this time or are unable to submit an event report and we will assist you or make alternate arrangements for your significant event submission. 

Website Problem – 25th October 2013

Some users have been experiencing a minor problem with form submissions in which clicking on the Scoring Matrix link from the page did not open a new window, and resulted in entered data being removed from the form.

The problem was related to a corrupt hyperlink which became damaged during a website upgrade and has now been corrected.

The SPHERE team apologise to all users of the site. Please contact one of the SPHERE team if you experience any ongoing problem or require further support.

SPHERE Wins Clinical Governance Award – 20th September 2013

SPHERE has won an NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde ECMS Clinical Governance award at the recent regional meeting.

The SPHERE team would like to thank NHS GG&C for their support of the system and for presenting the award.

SPHERE Goes Live! – 10th August 2013

SPHERE is now fully online and active for EMRS significant event reports. 

SPHERE’s Launch Partner – 4th July 2013

SPHERE are pleased to announce EMRS as the launch partner for our new, purpose-built event reporting system for the pre-hospital community.